目前分類:未分類文章 (320)
- May 19 Sat 2012 20:48
網路上看到的 Maserati GT MC Stradale 實車拍攝分享-2012-05-19
- May 15 Tue 2012 13:20
職場甘苦談 - 職場有三寶-2012-05-15
- May 15 Tue 2012 13:19
- May 15 Tue 2012 11:31
沒想到茶几也可以很有設計感,日本Isamu Noguchi野口勇設計 Noguchi Coffee Table三角大茶几(ABS) 復刻版-2012-05-15
- May 15 Tue 2012 10:41
在網路上看到的M-Benz SLS AMG 實車分享-2012-05-15
- May 15 Tue 2012 10:40
今天在網路上看到一輛超美的BMW跑車火紅z4 sDrive 35is-2012-05-15
- May 15 Tue 2012 08:56
- May 15 Tue 2012 08:07
- May 15 Tue 2012 08:07
- May 15 Tue 2012 06:20
職場甘苦談 - 職場有三寶-2012-05-15
- May 15 Tue 2012 05:27
今天帶著剛買的the new iphone 5,跑去文昌家具買看了一個超美的複刻版松果吊燈-2012-05-15
在這樣的設計感氣氛下玩著我新買的the new iphone 5 跟 the new ipad,超有感覺的啦!!
- May 15 Tue 2012 05:27
林書豪球賽要怎麼看才會贏? 原來躺在Hans.J.Wegner的GE290沙發上看林書豪就會贏球-2012-05-15
- May 15 Tue 2012 03:42
日系甜心-日系精品分享 迪士尼超音波震動牙刷,像化妝品般的美形震動牙刷-2012-05-15
- May 15 Tue 2012 02:57
XClio A380BK PC Case 分享-2012-05-15
Pros: I"ve had this case for about 6-7 months now and I couldn"t be happier with it. Massive, whisper quiet fans keep this huge case very cool. If not for my CPU fan, I would barely hear anything at all. The rail system makes it easy to add or remove drives. Just snap the rails to the side of the HD or disk drive and it slides right in. 7 expansion slots on the back panel give you plenty of room for your graphics cards and more.
Other Thoughts: Make sure your cables are long enough. It can be quite a stretch to go from the top 5.25" bay to the connectors on your motherboard depending on where they are on the board.
- May 15 Tue 2012 02:57
XClio 777 Color PC Case 分享-2012-05-15
XClio 777 Color PC Case
Pros: Tons of space for HDDs or SSDs.
- May 15 Tue 2012 01:09
日系甜心-日系精品分享 日本 Panasonic eneloop 原廠 迪士尼 110周年紀念充電電池組-2012-05-15
- May 15 Tue 2012 01:09
日系甜心-日系精品分享 日本 Beauty Bar 純金離子美人棒-2012-05-15
- May 15 Tue 2012 00:21
XClio Touch 320 PC case 分享-2012-05-15
XClio Touch 320 PC Case
Pros: Smooth looking case, holds 8 hard drives which is always nice. plenty of room for fans*check cons on this one* easy to install everything touch fan controller is pretty sweet. Great all around case for a decent setup or media server that you want a lot of hds in check out cons but if i would have to buy this again knowing what i know i would have not and waited tell they released the fans for them.
- May 14 Mon 2012 22:37
天啊!!這椅子也太可愛了吧!!北歐芬蘭Peter Ghyczy設計師garden egg chair復刻款 掀蓋球椅-2012-05-14
- May 14 Mon 2012 22:37
外國電影裡常看到的椅子北歐芬蘭 Eero Aarnio 設計師 Ball Chair 復刻款 造型太空球椅-2012-05-14