- May 15 Tue 2012 01:09
日系甜心-日系精品分享 日本 Panasonic eneloop 原廠 迪士尼 110周年紀念充電電池組-2012-05-15
- May 15 Tue 2012 01:09
日系甜心-日系精品分享 日本 Beauty Bar 純金離子美人棒-2012-05-15
- May 15 Tue 2012 00:21
XClio Touch 320 PC case 分享-2012-05-15
XClio Touch 320 PC Case
Pros: Smooth looking case, holds 8 hard drives which is always nice. plenty of room for fans*check cons on this one* easy to install everything touch fan controller is pretty sweet. Great all around case for a decent setup or media server that you want a lot of hds in check out cons but if i would have to buy this again knowing what i know i would have not and waited tell they released the fans for them.
- May 14 Mon 2012 22:37
天啊!!這椅子也太可愛了吧!!北歐芬蘭Peter Ghyczy設計師garden egg chair復刻款 掀蓋球椅-2012-05-14
- May 14 Mon 2012 22:37
外國電影裡常看到的椅子北歐芬蘭 Eero Aarnio 設計師 Ball Chair 復刻款 造型太空球椅-2012-05-14